Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
exam at the last minute

Your exam will take place tomorrow and you haven’t set foot in your classes yet! Do not panic. All may not be lost. Revising at the last minute does not promise you an 18/20, but it is still possible to save the furniture and not end up with a 0/20. Get ready for a very long night!

If you only have a few hours to revise, it is essential that your notes are clear and well centered. Take notes in the best possible way during class.

Define what you need to study. If your teacher has explained what will fall on the exam, take advantage of it. He has probably talked about the topics that are important to him and this is the time to ask him questions (that said, if you have to revise at the last moment, you probably have too many questions to ask him). If your teacher gave you a checklist, use it! These points will be useful for organizing your revisions and not revising topics that will not fall on the exam. He must have mentioned useful tips for passing the exam.

Take out your notes.

Collect and sort all your courses, make a list of everything you need to do. From this list, you will be able to organize yourself. Assuming you’ve taken all the courses, you should have enough grades to start revising. If you don’t have notes, ask for those of your colleagues and make photocopies urgently. There are also books that summarize the entire curriculum for your class. It’s pretty much everywhere, you won’t have any trouble getting it. The advantage of notes taken during class is that they cover everything that your teacher considers important. It is therefore a most valuable aid.

Review important concepts.

 By reading your notes, find the important definitions, the important concepts. Memorizing voluminous lessons requires as much of your synthesis skills as it does of your memory. If you do not yet know these concepts by heart, write them down on a separate sheet of paper or on cardboard cards, A5 format. This will help you identify what you need to know and you’ll end up with a nice handy pack of review sheets. Take cardboard sheets or normal white sheets with small or large squares in A5 or A6 format, according to your desires and your writing comfort.

It activates memory. If you have a more visual memory (65% of the population), this rewriting step will help you a lot. If you have a rather auditory memory (30% of the population), it would also be a good idea to pronounce aloud what you copy.

If you have a little time, try to copy your sheets several times. It may seem pointless, but it’s not, especially if you want to memorize facts and information. If, on the other hand, you want to improve your math skills, for example in equations, exercises, do and redo the exercises. Copying will not be as

Study effectively. It is obvious that you will not have time to revise everything. Focus on topics that you are sure will fall on the exam.

Take the key topics.

Go through your book and your notes to find recurring themes in your book. Look at the sections of your book, the titles and read these sections effectively, note down any important new information. Drop the details. It is not necessary to copy everything that your book explains, but it is rather a question of selecting the main ideas, those which will fall logically on the examination.

Look at the titles, introductions, and conclusions of the chapters in your book. The first page, in general, is a good introduction and presents the key points of the subject. The last pages, on the other hand, often consist of a conclusion and sum up the chapter well and also recap the important points. In the case of a math textbook, there is often a list of important equations at the end of the chapter.

There may also be mock exam type exercises at the end of the chapter and their solutions at the end of the manual. Consider them keenly. By now you should have gone through all the material needed for your revisions. By now you should have skimmed over everything you need to revise. Put on paper, in list form, the topics covered and your approach to addressing them, one by one.

Take a test.

A sheet of paper, an eraser and a good memory. Try to rewrite all this information that you have copied, but this time without looking at your sheets, test yourself and quickly evaluate your results. This step will take time, because we are talking here about rewriting everything you need to know. This should tell you which topics you need more work on.

Review your records. Read them aloud. And repeat the test. When you feel that you have mastered a topic, eliminate it from your list of topics to revise and move on to the next one. If you have any questions or doubts, check your courses, now is the time.

Test yourself again. If your teacher gave you a mock exam, do it again. Otherwise, do the exams offered at the end of the chapter of your book. Only ask questions that relate to the topics you have selected as most important. Don’t spend too much time on each question. Don’t get stuck on a particular point. Write it down for further investigation later.

Give yourself notes.

Be honest with yourself. It is not a question of veiling the face, nor of inflating its ego, but of reviewing usefully. If you answered some of the questions incorrectly, go back to your sheets. Perhaps, it would be useful to redo this or that sheet to clarify it, if you have new information or new clarifications that help you.

Find good methods. If nothing comes to your mind, or if this review strategy isn’t working for you, try other memorization techniques. Memory is an organ that does not easily forget. Information is stored in small boxes. If you can’t remember something, it’s probably because it was stored incorrectly, the box didn’t click open, or you wrote down the location incorrectly. storage  . Some memorization techniques can be useful so that you don’t overload your memory with tons of new, last-minute information.

By admin

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